Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Pareto Principle

So, once again I encounter my friend Pareto. It seems my response rate for all my promotion comfortably rests around 20 percent. This means a good 80 percent of the people I try to lure to KungFuGrip either are just passing by or not interested at all. That, my friend is very maddening.

The weird thing is that no matter how much I promote (spam), I rarely get above this 20 percent. This is even more discouraging because I recently saw an interview on Donnie Deutsch where the guy who started myyearbook stated he really did not have to do any promotion at all. To top that, he claims a majority of his users are in the highly desirable teenage group.

What could I be doing so wrong? Why is it so much work to move the numbers just a little bit? These are questions I hope to answer for both you and I in due time. And rest assured I am not one to quit. Also, the whole point of this blog is so that we all learn something. Especially about how to promote on the internet.


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